Monday, October 04, 2010
First gay Archie comic sold out
Type = 'html' >The question of Veronica introduction Riverdale high school's first gay has its first edition characters, an unprecedented event title under the brand sold out Archie comics.Whole story here about the advocate!
Question of the day: what was the worst date ever went to?
Type = 'html' > Have you ever had a terrible date?The type of date to wait could order to beenden.Ein date from hell?
What happened?
What happened?
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Man attacks 14 year old girl transfer of gay pride flag
Type = 'html' >
"La Crosse, Wisconsin police a re examined an incident where a man pushing a 14 year old girl in an attempt, a version of the gay pride away rings feature parade wanted bearing teen in city maple leaf."Full story here via JMG!