Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Military gay ban is election year hot button # dadt

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It's John McCain versus Lady Gaga is on Tuesday, as the Senate the emotional question of the lifting of the ban on gays openly serving in the military.

Senate Democrats have an invoice, which authorize $ 726 billion next year military spending "Questions, tell" annexed to the Act of 17-year-old.  The fate of the movement seems uncertain but repeal seems how the votes going to determine an important topic at this autumn's went to elections.

The law is already under siege.A federal judge in California recently decided that the ban on the gay unconstitutional was, polls suggest, a majority of Americans oppose and Lady Gaga has challenged it in a YouTube video.

Lifting proponents say the law deprived the military capable soldiers and civil rights violated.

But McCain of Arizona and other prominent Republicans fight to keep the law in place! Full story here via edge!